Top Rated Schools
Included among the Best Ranking School Systems in the America, the Madison City School System is an incredible benefit of living at Oakland Springs. The Madison City School System is the TOP #1 ranked school district in the entire state of Alabama.
Every school in the Madison School System has ranked in the top 1-2 percentile of America’s Best Schools. NICHE, a national education research group, ranked the School System 64th out of a whopping 10,768 public school districts nationwide in 2020-2021. At Oakland Springs, we are fortunate that our residents’ children can enjoy these truly exceptional educational opportunities.

Secondary Schools
Both Bob Jones High School and James Clemens High School are ranked in the TOP 5 HIGH SCHOOLS in Alabama by NICHE. Bob Jones High School was ranked #2. Both schools received A to A+ grades in Academics, Teachers, Clubs & Activities, Administration, Safety and more. Students enjoy a variety of clubs, sports and activities, along with an average teacher to student ratio of 18:1.

Bob Jones High School has received the 2020 National Blue Ribbon School Award as an Exemplary High Performing School from the U. S. Department of Education.

Middle Schools
Both Madison City School District middle schools are highly ranked, with Liberty Middle School recognized twice as a National Blue Ribbon School and Discovery Middle School ranked #1 Best Middle School in Alabama. They are committed to providing students with skills needed to pursue lifelong learning in an ever-changing society. Both schools have earned an A+ Overall School Ranking by NICHE.

• National Blue Ribbon School Award, Liberty Middle School
• #1 Best Middle School in Alabama, Discovery Middle School

Elementary Schools
Madison City Schools places top priority on students’ wellbeing while promoting academics through programs such as art, counseling, music, physical education and Spanish for all students in Kindergarten through fifth grades. The seven elementary schools are: Madison, Rainbow, Columbia, Heritage, Horizon, Mill Creek, and West Madison Elementary Schools

NICHE named Madison Elementary the BEST PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in Alabama and 87th overall among 50,458 nationwide.
“Academics is our first priority at Madison City Schools, and our goal for each student is that they are engaged in meaningful learning each day, that they explore a variety of courses during their school careers to find their strengths and passions, that they are inspired by their teachers and fellow students, that they develop lasting connections to skills and concepts they learn, and that they graduate empowered to pursue a path toward their best possible future.”

TEACH YOUR CHILDREN WELL: Madison City Schools are top in the state and are among the top ranking, nationally, too.